$33.00 USD

Every month

7 day trial
Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

We do not offer refunds. You may cancel your WHOLE subscription anytime through your PHEEL portal. Once your cancellation is processed, you’ll have access to WHOLE until the end of your current billing cycle. If you purchase a different offer that has a payment plan with us, you are required to complete payment of the purchased program regardless of whether or not you complete the work. By completing the check out process you acknowledge that you understand and agree to these terms and conditions.

WHOLE Monthly Membership

Online Membership Community & Virtual Somatic Studio

$33 USD/month (monthly auto-pay subscription payment)

  • FREE 7 day trial
  • $33/monthly membership
  • Cancel at any time
  • All you need is a mat to begin
  • Join the Virtual Studio to experience self paced, intentional and embodied somatic healing experiences

Immerse yourself in a holistic monthly membership where you will receive:

  • LOUD Method © | Weekly, virtual, live, somatic movement experiences
  • KNOW | Personalized embodiment journal 
  • FREQUENCY | Emotion release videos and playlists 
  • RESOURCED | Nervous system self regulation practices 
  • COMMUNITY | Share and be seen as we explore different topics, with writing prompts and conversation to deepen integration and connection
  • Receive discounts on live events and workshops